Tuesday, February 28, 2012

History On the Grand Canyon

The Grand canyon is 18 miles wide and 1 mile deep. During July, August, and early September thunderstorms are common. The summers are relatively pleasant and winters are extream. The roads are usually close due to fact of snow and ice. Spring is unusual, one day it could be sunny the then it could be pouring rain. The Grand Canyon is one of the 7 wonders of the world. There are also many plants and animals near the canyon. 1,737 know species of vascular plants. There is 64 species of Fungi and. 10% of plants in the canyon are exotic,and 63% are givin a special name by the US Wild Life and fish service. Some of the birds here are bald and golden eagles, red tail hawks, wild turkeys, and mountain chickadees. There are 6 specias of snake here. Lizards and snakes are commonly found around the river. In the Desert Scrub there is the gopher Tortise which is an endagerd species. The Grand Canyon is 1.2 million acers. The recreation area spreads for 1000 miles.

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